Helpful stuff

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cabin fever diversions

January weather was unpredictable and downright temperamental . Not even our usual hint of spring-- a brief collection of warm days stuffed between bookends of cold temperatures and snow. This year, the weather is coming in waves of cold and snow and icy roads that only makes us long for sunshine and dream ever more deeply and dreaming about what really gets us excited this time of year: planting a garden! Yes, I know, perusing the seed catalogues, making long lists of things you want to grow or starting seeds inside...
...are a happy and pleasant diversion from going stir-crazy cooped up inside but nothing can replace the scent of spring, that nasal indicator that our time in the garden is nearly hear. Ah, waxing poetic is not helping me here. But one thing that has kept me busy and excited while waiting for the ground to thaw is our new adventure here in western North Carolina: forming a food co-op! Say hello to Ramp-berry Community Market Co-op.

So this has been my main occupation the last couple of months. Having meetings with locals, creating a community survey that is just now ready for distribution, pulling in key people from our community and visioning what it would feel like to have our very own food cooperative selling produce and other items from local vendors and suppliers. With the assistance of resources from the Food Cooperative Initiative and various coops throughout the region who have offered support, we feel this is a great opportunity to make a difference. Not just in what a retail venture can provide in terms of quality, organic food, but also by adding jobs to the area, educational events, and becoming the community hub for information that may not be readily available as we navigate the confusion of GMOs, clean water, climate change, bee die-off, and  many other problems affecting us.

You can join the fun! Co-ops are springing up all over with good reason: you become the member-owner, not just a consumer, and you have a voice in how your coop is run. BIG difference over corporately-own food stores. I'll keep you posted on how we progress. For now enjoy this little video about starting a coop (if you can tear yourself away from the *seed catalogues.)

(*Hands down favorite: Sow True Seeds, Asheville, NC. We LOVES our local organic seed company!)

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